Monday 1 March 2010

My 'To do list' is endless; I cross of something and end up adding another five things.

I have been flying on autopilot this week, I feel numb and lost. My Gran has been really ill and it's getting to me now, I rang her home phone earlier, after she rang and asked my brother for my mum... she didn't answer. So I found myself frantically running to her house to see if she was ok. She wasn't hurt or anything, but it really is horrible when you see a loved one who is incapable of looking after themselves. I just want her to get back to her normal self.

So I'm just so preoccupied at the moment, I keep getting lost in thought.

I'm craving the summer, I can't wait for warmer weather and for the BBQ smells to drift in through my window and the hum of traffic.

je t'aime.

Saturday 27 February 2010

Every time I mention to people I want to go into Radio they are so bemused “really? I didn’t expect that because you are quite shy really”.
The thing is I really come into my own when I do things like Radio and Drama. It’s strange.
That reminds me... I am considering interviewing teachers about their youth and music taste. I think it would be so interesting because nowadays music is a massive part of our culture and even our social lives revolve around music in some way. We go to gigs, parties, walk to and from places with headphones in and dress in a particular style that can usually be associated with a genre of music. Music is everywhere.
I want to learn whether ‘times have changed’; which is quite a funny phrase really because time remains pretty constant.


Thursday 25 February 2010

A snapshot is a frozen point in time.

Thursday 25th February:

my bed was far too comfy
running late
scramble to look half decent for school photograph
dash to school- 'Ding Dong!' says disgusting middle aged man
panic attack after boy racer zooms past
freakin' birds on telephone wire nearly shit on me
mm french fancy in my tummy
year photograph- standing on huge podium thingy praying there won't be a domino effect
individual photo- disgusting open mouthed expression after last minute decision to change smile
'can we please take that again?!'....
yawn. poetry

let my birthday balloons fly up to the sky
edited stop motion
